Second round: 9-17 April 2023

Registration Deadline: registration during the test is allowed

Archimedes Math Competition

 Who was Archimedes?

Archimedes, or "superhuman" as described him Galileo, (287 BC - 212 BC) was born and died in Syracuse, Sicily (Italy). He was a great Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and inventor. He's known for his famous inventions and principles such as Buoyancy, also known as Archimedes’ principle, war machines that helped in defense of Syracuse against the siege laid by the Romans in 213 BCE. 

Although all we know his story about determining the proportion of silver and gold in a wreath made for Heiron. Archimedes was very passionate about mathematics and made many discoveries in this area. His discoveries were in different fields of mathematics and geometry, where he worked with spheres, cylinders, circles and found a close approximation of pi.

 About Competition

Archimedes Math Competition’s mission and vision is to empower and introduce every high school student to Mathematical Olympiads, especially IMO. So that, every student will have a fair chance in taking advantage of participating in Olympiads.

Unfortunately to this date, vast majority of students have been graduating from high schools without having heard about IMO or any other world class prestigious High School Olympiads. Even if they have heard about the Olympiads, they still lack the understanding of how to take part in them.

Indeed IMO is a prestigious Olympiad. It happens once a year and maximum 6 students can participate from each country. So, IMO shows the rankings of top 6 representatives of each country among others.

Many students around the globe dedicate years for preparation and in some cases they will be left unnoticed due to not being able to make it into the top 6 in TSTs. In fact, those unnoticed students might be better than some or most of the actual participants of IMO.

Thus, AMC finds most Mathematical Olympiads in mess and imbalanced, so we need a modern Archimedes who would find real value of every single modern gifted student within their respective regions!

Our uniqueness: